by Steve Victor


What are some of your Basic Sales Principles Used when Making a Sale?

When I have done front line selling, these principles come to my mind;

- Make appointments. Appointments lead to meetings.

- Meetings lead to customer engagements. Customer engagements can lead to buyers. Buyers buy. Sellers satisfy a need.

- Never try to cover too many points; don’t obscure the main issue. Find out what it is, then stay right on the beam.

- Create confidence. If you are absolutely sincere, there are many ways you can create confidence with people.

- Be an assistant buyer, I’ve assumed the role of assistant buyer on many occasions and helped buyers buy.

- People don’t like to be sold to. But people do like to buy.

- Praise your competitors. If you can’t boost, don’t knock is always a safe rule.

- See things from the other person’s point of view and talk in terms of her or his wants, needs, and desires.

- Finally, write out what you said in your last selling interview. Then see how many places you can find to strike out the personal pronoun I, or WE, and change it to YOU or YOUR. Put YOU in the interview.

What comes to your mind when selling?


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