by Steve Victor


2 sales objections that you must be able to overcome

·      Ignorance

·      No interest

With Ignorance, the context has always been that "sometimes decision makers are so busy (or ignorant) that they do not take the time to consider new solutions that could improve their situations dramatically." This difference in terminology and mindset between salespeople and buyers are common.

Most salespeople speak a language that makes decision makers fall asleep or doesn't manage to catch their (often short) span of attention. Salespeople peddle a product or solution but ignore all the training and implementation issues associated with making the product or solution deliver value. Buyers want something that works when they need it. They want to have full RoI analysis and risk assessment before making a critical investment decision.

With No Interest, ask, listen, and respond/resolve. When a prospect says, “I'm not interested” start by asking qualifying questions. A response like that is a generalisation used to shut down the conversation. Instead of walking away, offer an affirmative alternative like, “I understand how you feel. I’ve talked to many people who feel the same way, but after a short meeting with them I’ve heard comments like, “I had no idea you could do that. Let’s meet and talk about this in more detail. Afterall, it never hurts to take a second look.”

After satisfying the objections if their response is still negative, it’s an excuse, not an objection. In other words, it’s a sale that won’t close. Politely end the appointment and move on.

What sales objections come to mind for you? Do these ones listed resonate well or not well with you?


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