by Steve Victor


This week marks the end of my 3 post series on Discipline. Personally throughout this year I have set goals and overall done my very best to achieve them on time and to make a difference to my life and wellbeing.

There is one goal however that I won’t achieve this year, but will do my very best to get as close as I can to achieving this goal. That goal was to run >1,000Km’s between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023. I am likely to finish on 840KM’s as I am currently sitting on 743KM’s with a month to go. Am I disappointed? Yes and No. To be honest I wasn’t sure that my body was going to let me run 1,000KM’s as I haven’t run that far since 2020. So all in all my discipline and body have done ok.

To wrap-up those final Discipline points lets look at these final 4.

A. Until The End

You can’t relax until the mission is complete.

And the truth is, it’s never complete.

There’s always more you can do.

There’s always the next mission.

Stay ready, stay alert, stay relentless.

B. The Uphill Road

Discipline is taking the uphill road.

Doing the things you don’t want to (but you know will help you).

•           Training your body

•           Controlling your ego

•           Handling your emotions

Discipline can seem like your worst enemy, but it is your best friend.

C. Compromise

When working with others, a leader must compromise.

Find the common ground. Merge different approaches. Bridge personalities. Reach agreements.

These are external compromises.

But internally, it’s different.

With yourself, you must hold the line.

D. Not Feeling It

What do you do on the days you’re “not feeling it?”

You go through the motions.

Lift the weights. Write the piece. Work on the project.

You don’t have to be “feeling it” to do it.

If you need to rest, rest tomorrow.

Today, build the muscle of doing it when you’re not feeling it.

Here’s the final point I want to make:

These lessons can be seen as snippets of motivation.

And if that’s all they are, they are meaningless.

What’s most important is you use these as a catalyst to reflect on where you can become more disciplined in your life and then take action.

Three questions to consider:

•           Where is lack of discipline holding me back?

•           What do I need to do to change that?

•           What’s the first step I can take today?

Give those questions an honest assessment, and then go and implement what you come up with.


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